


气候承诺竞技场就在网易彩票下载的山那边. 它不仅是网易彩票appNHL球队的主场, 挪威海怪, 以及网易彩票app的WNBA球队, 暴风雨, 但它也计划成为世界上第一个经过认证的净零排放竞技场.

当你参加气候承诺的游戏或音乐会时, 你可以使用电子入境票作为免费过境通行证. 场馆使用100%的可再生电力,零浪费,并回收雨水用于冰. 你甚至会发现一个由27种植物组成的巨大的围墙花园.

Climate Pledge reflects the desires of many consumers and businesses to make their operations more sustainable to combat climate change. And while companies can make false claims about their environmental practices or engage in “greenwashing,“在上海黄金交易所,网易彩票app相信可持续发展不仅仅是给利益相关者留下深刻印象. Creation care is part of our Christian call to advance human flourishing through stewardship. 这就是为什么网易彩票app很兴奋地宣布推出网易彩票app可持续管理辅修:人,地球和生产力.

本期, 你可以了解更多网易彩票app的新辅修课程, 创造关怀背后的神学, and how our alumnus Alan Turanski takes stewardship seriously in his family’s honey business.





SBGE最近推出了网易彩票app辅修可持续管理 这个秋季学期. 网易彩票app见过 慈善奥斯本, 主管本科生的副院长, 在放大, and she explained how the minor is “a passion project sprung from deeply held values that the students and faculty share.“这门辅修课程关注的是人, 地球, 和生产力和位置的学生解决网易彩票app这个时代的一些最重要的需求.


这可以归结为三点:SBGE的使命和价值观, 学生和雇主的需求, 以及网易彩票app作为负责任管理教育原则(PRME)冠军学校的身份. PRME is a UN-backed initiative created to raise the profile of sustainability in schools around the world. Being one of five PRME冠军 学校 in the nation is a natural fit for SBGE and our commitment to advance human flourishing.


根据2021年进行的一项学生兴趣调查, nearly 29% of SBGE respondents indicated they were “very interested” in a sustainability minor; nearly 49% expressed “moderate interest,17%的人表示他们“稍微感兴趣”.”

A whopping 40% of our students said they were interested in pursuing a career that includes some aspects of sustainability, 40%的人说他们可能感兴趣.


Our perusal of recent job postings confirmed that employers are looking for coursework in and knowledge of sustainability topics in addition to basic SBGE degrees.

例如, a job posting for a Supply Chain Lead at Microsoft requested a business degree and sustainability knowledge regarding the environment, 健康与安全, 还有人权. Levi Strauss had a posting for a manager with a degree in accounting or finance plus sustainability reporting knowledge.

商业向可持续发展的转变无疑是一种趋势. A recent PWC Global private Equity Responsible Investment survey reported that sustainability is moving from a periphery position (risk management) to a more central and integrated component of value creation.



By 托马斯·帕克斯,商业道德讲师

学生们在了解可持续性的情况下进入商业伦理. 然而,, the intrigue comes in clarifying that sustainability is not about being performative or socially engaged; it is a response to God’s command. 在《网易彩票app》第2章中,从腐殖质中创造出来的人类被上帝呼召去照顾受造物. Our call to steward creation is a call to practice sustainability in and through our work — even 今天.

网易彩票app的工作和生活,无论是作为还是不作为,都会影响上帝的创造. 经常, those who feel the effects first are those most neglected: the environment and marginalized communities. 那些没有资源的人往往首先感受到环境决策的后果, while those with resources either benefit from that industry or have work-arounds to address those externalities. Buying clean water or air conditioners is not the solution to the problems industry has created. SPU students are thinking ethically and strategically about how to address these problems at their source. 在破碎中, 网易彩票app的工作似乎很有限, 但在这里,重要的是要记住耶稣, 谁来提供救恩, 在人类形态的限制下忠诚吗.

We are not called to be saviors; we are to intentionally engage the world through our spheres of influence. 这就是管理. As stewards, we recognize the limits that come with our roles, resources, and responsibilities. 认识到网易彩票app呼吁的局限性并不是逃避的借口, it underscores that sustainability and stewardship is a powerful invitation into God’s ongoing transformative work. 网易彩票app被召唤通过管理的视角来追求可持续性, 因为如果网易彩票app不, 网易彩票app永远无法维持网易彩票app设想的那种持久的转型.



网易彩票app很高兴地宣布,可持续发展辅修课程的第一门课, 可持续商业概论, 今年秋天开学,由 兰迪·弗朗茨管理学教授. 学生们正在探索可持续管理带来的挑战和机遇, 了解17项可持续发展目标, 发现促进人类繁荣的基督教主题和价值观.


2019年的信仰 & Co. 影片展示了企业如何通过管理来荣耀神. 虽然自视频发布以来,荣耀蜜蜂发生了很多变化, 公司对管理的承诺一如既往地坚定.

非营利组织, 拯救蜜蜂, has donated nearly $1 million over the last decade and recently hired its first executive director. 今年8月,GloryBee开始在杂货店销售乌克兰向日葵蜂蜜, 包括PCC社区市场, with 100% of profits benefitting relief organizations that provide food and health services to the Ukrainian people.

近年来的许多变化之一是“荣耀蜜蜂”的生产努力的扩大, 包括今年春天在俄亥俄州增加一个设施. 除了, 尤金的业务将在2023年1月扩大到一个更大的当地工厂, which will grow production capability from 20 million to 50 million pounds of honey annually.

Alan Turanski, 1999年的公司总裁,对“过程”这个词很谨慎.”“网易彩票app不加工蜂蜜. 蜜蜂酿蜜,”图兰斯基说. “网易彩票app只是轻轻地处理它,并确保它到达客户.”

要了解如何打击蜂蜜行业的食品欺诈,请收听 一集一个 的 直接来自蜂巢 艾伦·图兰斯基的播客. 你也可以寻找“真源蜂蜜”的认证, 是什么保证了蜂蜜是纯净无杂质的呢.

MBA学生合作项目| Dan Sheehan摄


如果你想成为一个利用商业服务于公共利益的领导者,考虑SPU MBA课程. The program is newly enhanced with 13 graduate business certificate programs and is fully online, so you can receive a high-quality AACSB-accredited business education no matter where you live. The program is particularly relevant for anyone who wants to stay on the cutting edge of technology while also using business to advance human flourishing. 立即索取更多信息!


来自世界各地的学者申请诚信商业中心。 比尔·波拉德信仰与商业研究奖学金 每年. Selected scholars come to SPU for a short residency where they draw upon the Pollard Papers and other resources in SPU’s 信仰 and Work collection.

该中心迎来了波拉德学者2022年6月队列的五位学者. On 8月8日, the Academy of Management presented CFB Pollard Scholar Marcus Brauer (Estacio de Sa/UERI/UNIRIO) and CFB Fellow Denise Daniels (Wheaton College) with the MSR Best Scholarly Paper 2022 award. They won the award for their submission of “Workplace Spirituality and the Tension Between Profit and People: The ServiceMaster Case.MSR (Management, Spirituality) & 宗教)是管理学院的一个分支.

ceo们把手围成一个圈的截图 & Co. 电影的创始人

信仰 & Co. 网易彩票下载

信仰 & Co. 继续发行网易彩票app信仰和工作课程的新电影. 第五季探讨了信仰和金融,而本季的第一集, 创始人,现在有售。! The film highlights Ocean, a faith-based community that holistically cares for entrepreneurs. 整个四季 信仰 & Co. 电影 were translated into Spanish subtitles and are now available to our Spanish-speaking audiences.



网易彩票app欢迎Jamila Conley, 业务转型副总裁, 网易彩票app院长系列演讲将于5月4日下午5点举行, 2022. Conley oversees mergers and acquisitions at F5 and is an advocate for women and people of color in technology. 她谈到了商业和个人的转型. “Being very cognizant during your journey can take you a lot of places to build who you become as both a person and a leader,”她说。.


6月7日, the 诚信商业中心 hosted a night with English poet Malcolm Guite and Canadian songwriter Steve Bell. 盖特和贝尔谈到了在深度协作工作中相互信任意味着什么. 该活动强调了该中心“唤醒先知想象力”的使命.”


We would like to honor beloved faculty who have recently left and welcome our incoming faculty members. 网易彩票app会想念孙俊的, 国际商务助理教授, 理查德·达齐, 经济学助理教授. 网易彩票app祝愿他们在新的事业中一切顺利.

金正日Sawers, former professor of accounting, is now the vice president for business and finance for SPU.

网易彩票app的新教员包括 安吉Kakpo经济学助理教授; 杰克德琼金融学副教授; 卡梅丽塔奥木兰·会计学讲师; Mwoyondishe乔纳森·姆武都, associate professor of international business; and 汤姆公园他是商业道德和市场信仰的讲师. 欢迎网易彩票app的新教师加入SBGE!