继续教育 Certificate in 信仰 and Business - 信仰 & Co.

Books on faith and business

Work occupies much of our time, and since 市场上 offers a significant arena for Christian witness, it’s important for Christian professionals to see our jobs as 职业部门 — serving God’s purposes and working for the flourishing of all creation. 的 继续教育 Certificate in 信仰 and Business at SPU offers you an opportunity to live faithfully as a Christian business professional.

Who Should Pursue This Certificate

If you are interested in integrating faith and work and seek to live faithfully in 市场上 and you want to use business to serve the common good, SPU’s 继续教育 Certificate in 信仰 and Business is designed for you — whether you are a lay business professional, 神学院的学生, 或神职人员.


SPU’s School of Business, 政府, and 经济学 is committed to providing an applied, 经验, and collaborative learning environment that integrates business competence and Christian character.

In the Professional Development Certificate in 信仰 and Business program, you will:

  • Deepen your understanding of biblical teaching and theological insights about work, 市场上, 职业部门, and the purpose and role of business and the economy.
  • Focus on the importance and role of work and marketplace ministry as vocation.
  • 看神的供应 through work in 市场上 and economic systems.
  • 了解影响 of economic forces on communities.
  • Learn how to live faithfully as a Christian in 市场上.
  • Build a strong theological basis for your commitment to workplace excellence, integrity, and ethics.
  • Use business as a tool for serving the common good and loving others.
  • 学习如何处理 marketplace and 职业部门 issues faced by fellow Christians.
  • 融入生活 moral and spiritual life.
  • Contextualize your faith 去市场.
  • 建立人际网络 of like-minded peers in the church and in business for mutual support and accountability.

“Another Way of Doing Business”

的 继续教育 Certificate in 信仰 and Business at SPU is built on an ethical foundation that offers a first-class business education through the lens of Christian faith and values. 的 School of Business, 政府, and 经济学 also operates the Center for 信仰ful Business 和发布 Ethix 杂志.


的 项目概述 includes a description of this Certificate's program components.


What is required for admission to the Professional Development Certificate in 信仰 and Business program? 查找网易彩票app 入学要求 和程序.