
在Camp Casey学习的MFA学生
网易彩票下载的文理学院(CAS)提供研究生课程, as well as dual degrees, 研究生水平的证书课程, 16个不同学科的本科专业和辅修专业.

你会从教授那里学习,他们既会指导你,也会激励你. You’ll cultivate skills in critical thinking and problem solving; you’ll expand your ability to write and speak clearly; and you’ll discover how these skills help grow your faith as you seek to make a positive difference in the world.

网易彩票下载的研究生课程中, 当你努力实现你的教育和职业目标时,你将从指导和激励你的教师那里学习.



Certificate program

Dual degree programs